Saudi Arabia Statistical Yearbook 2014
General Info
Coverage type
Time period covered
January, 2003 - December, 2014
Data type
Financial - Inpatient - Nationally representative - Outpatient - Subnationally representative
The Saudi Arabia Statistical Yearbook is an annual publication of the Central Department of Statistics and Information. It contains a comprehensive collection of statistical data for the various activities of the government and non-government agencies such as the Red Crescent. Data sources include the results of field surveys and studies conducted by CDSI as well as data from the statistical departments of other government agencies. The 15 chapters contain information on: climate, population, housing, education, health, transportation and communications, employment, agriculture, manufacturing, mining, import and export trade, finance and banking, and the GDP.
Agriculture, Alcohol use, Antenatal care, Assets, Beds, Blood supply, Blood transfusions, Burns, Causes of death, Child health care, Climate, Crime, Crops, Dental care, Dentists, Dialysis, Education, Electricity, Emergency care, Employment, Employment benefits, Environment, Exposure to forces of nature, GDP, Government expenditures, Government health budget, Government health expenditures, Gynecology, Health aid, Health care access, Health care expenditures, Health care personnel, Health care services, Health care use, Health facilities, Health insurance, Homicide, Hospitals, Household expenditures, Housing, Housing materials, Hysterectomy, Infant care, Infrastructure, Intentional injuries, Interpersonal violence, Lab personnel, Laboratories, Land ownership, Livestock, Loans, Maternal care, Medical education, Medical tests, Nurses, Outpatient facilities, Patient counts, Pediatrics, Personal health expenditures, Pharmacies, Physical therapists, Physical therapy, Physicians, Place of death, Population, Prices, Private health facilities, Private social assistance, Public health facilities, Public social assistance, Rainfall, Road traffic injuries, Roads, School enrollment, Stillbirths, Suicide, Surgeons, Teachers, Telecommunications, Telephones, Thoracic surgery, Training programs, Transportation, Unintentional injuries, Water supply
Suggested citation
Central Department of Statistics and Information (Saudi Arabia). Saudi Arabia Statistical Yearbook 2014. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Central Department of Statistics and Information (Saudi Arabia).