Canada CANSIM Database - Deaths, by Age Group and Sex
General Info
Original or alternative title
13-10-0709-01 (formerly CANSIM 102-0503 - Deaths, by Age and Sex, Canada, Provinces and Territories, Annual)
Coverage type
Time period covered
January, 1991 - present
Data type
Vital registration:
Subnationally representative
Canada CANSIM Database - Deaths, by Age Group and Sex, table 13-10-0709-01, is an annual customizable mortality table from StatCan. Data includes deaths by sex, province, and five-year age group from 1991 to present.
CANSIM is a database produced by Statistics Canada that houses socioeconomic statistics. This portion of the database, deaths, represents data collection from the all vital statistics registries within all provinces and territories within Canada.
Suggested citation
Statistics Canada (StatCan). Canada CANSIM Database - Deaths, by Age Group and Sex. Ottawa, Canada: Statistics Canada (StatCan).