France - Côte d'Or EUREG Hematopoietic Cancer Incidence Tables, Rates by Age 1980-2009
General Info
Coverage type
Time period covered
January, 1980 - December, 2009
Data type
Disease registry
Bladder cancer, Brain and nervous system cancers, Breast cancer, Cancers, Cervix uteri cancer, Colon and rectum cancers, Corpus uteri cancer, Eye cancers, Gallbladder and biliary tract cancers, Hodgkin lymphoma, Incidence, Kidney and other urinary organ cancers, Larynx cancer, Leukemia, Liver cancer, Melanoma, Multiple myeloma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Oesophagus cancer, Ovary cancer, Pancreas cancer, Pharynx cancers, Prostate cancer, Skin cancers, Soft tissue sarcomas, Stomach cancer, Testicular cancer, Thyroid cancer, Trachea, bronchus, and lung cancers
Suggested citation
Cote d'Or Hemopathy Registry, University of Burgundy (France), European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR). France - Côte d'Or EUREG Hematopoietic Cancer Incidence Tables, Rates by Age 1980-2009. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).