Netherlands National Medical Registry Injuries Data 2004
General Info
Original or alternative title
Landelijke Medische Registratie (LMR) 2004
Coverage type
Time period covered
January, 2004 - December, 2004
Data type
Administrative data:
Discharge - Inpatient
The National Medical Registry (LMR) recorded cases of inpatient care in Dutch hospitals from 1964-2013. In January 2014, the LMR was permanently replaced by the National Basic Hospital Care Registration (Landelijke Basisregistratie Ziekenhuiszorg (LBZ)). Previous years of the LMR were retroactively converted to the LBZ through 1992.
Adverse effects of medical treatments, Animal injuries, Burns, Contact with venomous animals and plants, Drownings, Encephalitis, Falls, Foreign bodies, Health care use, Homicide, Hospitals, ICD-9, Injuries, Intentional injuries, Interpersonal violence, Organized violence, Patient counts, Poisonings, Road traffic injuries, Self-inflicted injuries, Suffocation, Suicide, Unintentional injuries, Violence
Suggested citation
Dutch Hospital Data (DHD). Netherlands National Medical Registry Injuries Data 2004.