TARF Survey 2011: mortality and performance in the long-term follow-up
General Info
Original or alternative title
TEKHARF 2011 taraması: Ölümler ve uzun vadeli takipte performans
Coverage type
Time period covered
September, 2011 - September, 2011
Data type
Scientific literature:
Exam - Individual - Longitudinal
The Turkish Adult Risk Factor Study (also called TARF) began as a longitudinal survey of cardiovascular health in 1990, expanding in scope through successive waves. The 2011 wave includes 1588 participants aged 45-74, with 854 receiving an examination and 606 for which information on health status was obtained. Participants were located in the Marmara and Central Anatolia regions.
Objectives: We analyzed all-cause and coronary mortality data of the Turkish Adult Risk Factor Study cohort in Marmara and Central Anatolia regions, surveyed in 2011, and overall performance of long-term (21 years) follow-up of participants.
Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars
Publication year
Suggested citation
Onat A, Aydın M, Köroğlu B, Örnek E, Altay S, Çelik E, Karagöz A, Pfizer, Turkish Society of Cardiology. TARF Survey 2011: mortality and performance in the long-term follow-up. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2012; 40(2): 117-121.