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Bulgaria Household Budget Survey 2013


General Info
Bulgaria (BGR)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2013 - 12/2013
Series or system 
Bulgaria Household Budget Survey
Data type
  • Household
  • Interview

The purpose of this survey is to gather data on household expenditures, budgets, household demographics, food product consumption, caloric content of food products, household member activities, and living conditions. The sample size for the 2013 survey was 3,060 households.

The households were split into three samples of 1,020. These groups rotated through the survey during a four month period. Each household kept a diary to record expenditures, income, and goods and supplies on hand. Households also noted irregular spending and irregular income during the last two months and activities of the household members. An interviewer visited each household twice per month to discuss the diary and check the entries.

A report is available from the website of the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria.