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Argentina Health Facilities Guide 1995-2000


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Guia de establecimientos de la salud
Argentina (ARG)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1995 - 12/2000
Data type
Administrative data:
  • Health facility
  • Nationally representative

These data on health facilities in Argentina were created as part of a study based on information from the National Program of Health Statistics, provincial statistical offices, and private and social insurance fund facilities. The data include facilities whose primary purpose is to provide health care to non-specific groups of the population. Excluded facilities include those engaged in research, auditing, or production or sales in the health industry; health administration organizations; military facilities not open to the community; staffing and equipment services; facilities that serve specific institutions or groups such as children's homes, rehabilitation facilities and school or business clinics; and single person laboratories or imaging services. 

Information is provided by province on facility location, contact details, type of care provided, type of facility, specialties, average available beds, and the year the data were updated.